Aotearoa New Zealand needs a model for successful e-bike use in lower-income communities. A three-stage trial process has been conceptualised, building success from increasingly ambitious trials. This report focuses on Stage 2 – e-bikes in everyday life. Thanks to Auckland Transport E-bikes and accessories were made available to forty participants for a 3-month trial period between November 2022 and June 2023. Participant recruitment, skills training, community rides, bike maintenance and social support were undertaken by TTT with programme support and evaluation by the research team. Participants’ e-bike use, mode shift, and feedback during the trial suggests that e-bikes have the potential to increase healthy and sustainable transportation in the Māngere area. Access
Raja, A., Opit, S., Mackie, H., Witten, K. (2023) Māngere E-Bike Trial Stage 2: Integrating an e-bike in daily life. A report prepared in partnership with Time to Thrive, Auckland Transport, and the Māngere Otahuhu Local Board.