Children from three Māngere Schools – Ngā Iwi, Jean Batten and Māngere College – took part in focus group discussions before Te Ara Mua Future Streets changes were made to local streets and again afterwards. On both occasions they talked about how they moved around their local neighbourhood, common destinations and their perceptions of the neighbourhood. These children liked living in Māngere but before the intervention were fearful of traffic, crossing the road and the threatening behaviour of some young people, particular in parks and alleyways. After the intervention they were no longer concerned by traffic or crossing roads but were still fearful of antisocial behaviour occurring in the neighbourhood. Access
Witten, K., & Field, A. (2020). Engaging children in neighbourhood planning for active travel infrastructure. In E.O. Waygood, M. Friman & L. Olsson (Eds.), Transportation and Children’s Well-being (pp. 199-216). Elsevier