by Ti | Jun 9, 2019 | Are people safer walking and cycling?, What We Are Learning
What We Are Learning » Are people safer walking and cycling? Road user interactions Aim To understand if walking and cycling in Māngere Central was made easier and safer. Method Video footage was collected in 2014 (before the street changes) and 2018 (after the...
by Ti | May 23, 2019 | Are people safer walking and cycling?, What We Are Learning
What We Are Learning » Are people safer walking and cycling? Aim In this research, we wanted to find out what the effect of the street changes were on the number and speed of motor vehicles travelling in Māngere. The street changes aimed to make it easier and safer to...
by lily | Apr 1, 2019 | Are people safer walking and cycling?
What We Are Learning » Are people safer walking and cycling? Crashes A pre-post analysis of crashes that occurred in the intervention area two years before the street changes, and two years after the street changes was conducted. Data are still being analysed and more...